2023 Kick Off Call



Jan 28 2023


11:00 am




It’s important to us that we always keep you in the loop so let’s see what 2023 brings to you! This is the event that you simply need to attend!

This is THE call! Here is the perfect time to gather together virtually and listen to all the awesome plans that Kyäni/Amare is looking forward to in 2023.

Join the call with Jen Stoll Amare Regional VP EMEA, Martin Groppe Kyäni VP EUROPE & TURKEY, and with amazing guests Dr. Lindsey Elmore Amare Diamond Leader and Chris & Susan Beesley Amare Leaders!


So be ready, save the date, and join this call! We can’t wait to see you there!


Kick Off Call 2023 EUROPE
Date & time: January 28, 11:00 CET
This Call will be available in the following languages: English, French, Italian, Polish and Hungarian.
Link: https://kyani.zoom.us/j/82210878546?pwd=VTdoeDY0SGc3bkFSVzVybFZ1VjlQdz09


Make sure to share the link with your team!